Warrior Standing Guard  

I am the Guardian, some think my journey started on May 2, 2002 when I was taken from the Crucible Foundry in Norman, Oklahoma and arrived here in Oklahoma City and then on to the state Capitol about a week ago.

But in reality, my journey began long before that. It began in the 1830's with the passage of the Indian Removal Act. Thousands and thousands of us were marched half-way across the country, thousands died along the way. But we rebuilt our lives, our families and our nations, here.

Through the years we were joined by others. Their ancestors came from every corner of the world. But they came here and joined as we all worked to build a new life in this land of red earth.

The years to come were not easy, there were wars, wars pitting brothers against brothers, tribe against tribe, and ultimately nations against nations. Throughout the years thousands of Oklahomans have given their lives defending this country. They died in Europe, in Asia and in mountains and in deserts thousands of miles away. But they all died so we could live free. They fought for their fellow Oklahomans, they fought for America and I will guard their memories forever.

Our young state has faced many adversities, for some it was too much, and they moved on. But for most of us, this red earth was now our home. Even when the very earth itself seemed to turn against us, we refused to move. We survived the Dust Bowl Days and will never be forgotten by those who live through it. We have survived floods, storms, and in 1999, one of the worst tornados ever recorded. But we survived. We reached out our hands and helped one another and we stood our ground. And when hate and evil struck our state in 1995 at the Murrah Federal Building we proved to the world how strong our spirit was and showed that good is always stronger than evil, we stood our ground.

Soon, I will be raised to the top of this majestic building. Inside are many guardians of the state, our governor, our legislators, our judges, they are all charged with a very sacred task of being the guardians of Oklahoma, a state that is nearing its first centennial, and I will stand guard here, over our great state. Over our majestic land, over our values.

My lance pierces my legging and is planted in the ground. I will not be moved from my duty, from my love of Oklahoma and all of its people. People who came from far and near, people who have withstood adversity and hardship and still stand strong and proud. 

I will stand my ground and I will not be moved. From this day on I will stand guard, I will stand strong and be proud of Oklahoma, our home.

From the Haney family, we say Mvto (thank you) Oklahoma! 

There are no words in the Muskogean language for good bye, so we say "If time permits, we will see you again. God Bless.

-courtesy Enoch Kelly Haney


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02 August 2015